Saturday, June 22, 2013

Alamo Peak

We spent Father’s Day hiking down from Alamo Peak to our house. I thought it was only going to be about a 7 mile hike. I was mis-informed. Somebody, and I am not naming names, has now learned his lesson about reviewing websites and leaving with a definite plan not just the vague plan of “just head downhill”.  
7:30 am 53 degrees
As we begin . . .
just head downhill 

Little did I know . . . 
this would be the end of
the easy part.

Anyway, we had a good time. The first part of the hike was cool (53 degrees) and pleasant. At one point, the land was very similar to western Missouri; almost liking we were hiking around Camp Bartle. After we left the Westside road and headed into Alamo Canyon it started to warm up.

Into the canyon

Lunch break
 We stopped for our lunch in an idyllic setting; there was a very little stream and some nice sitting rocks. Then the hike just went downhill from there, literally & mentally!
We got lost. We had to back-track. We found an old abandoned mine and an old abandoned Oldsmobile engine.

Old water pipes

Hey this was one flat, smooth part
Near the end
I can see our house from here!
Good thing, because I couldn't go much farther.


By the time we finally we reached our house the temperature was 98 and it was 4:30. We had been hiking for 8 hours.  According to the hiking website, our hike was 10.5 miles. (We won’t count how much more with the backtracking.) We were exhausted and very muscle sore. In fact, we both walked around for the next 4 days like 90 year olds.

Now every time I look up that mountain and see the blinking light on the electronic tower on Alamo Peak I can say “I hiked that!”

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